Support Policy - MediaPlatform
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Support Policy

MediaPlatform will use commercially reasonable efforts during normal company business hours to correct errors in the licensed version of MediaPlatform software in a timely manner. A MediaPlatform Support Specialist will attempt to resolve reported errors at the time of the initial call or email. If the Customer Support Specialist cannot resolve the matter while on the call or in the email response, the request for service will be logged and resolved according to the priority level of the error. Additional support terms may be specified in an individual Customer’s License Agreement.

Eligibility for Support

Customers who have a login for our WebCaster software or are an administrator to our PrimeTime software are eligible to access support. MediaPlatform provides support services to viewers at an additional cost.

Telephone and Email Support Cases

Except as provided in the following sentence, during the contract term, MediaPlatform will provide Customer, without additional charge, with up to the number of Cases of telephone or Email consultation set forth in the Customer’s License Agreement concerning the use of the Supported Software and Enhancements, provided Customer is current in payment for the licensed Software as specified in the Customer’s License Agreement. Should the number of Support cases used by Customer exceed of the number of Support Cases described in the Customer’s License Agreement, an additional fee per Support Case will be due, subject to the pricing and terms set forth in the Customer’s License Agreement. Unused Cases are not carried over into any subsequent term. For purposes of this Agreement, a “Case” is defined as a question relating to a specific, single, discrete problem concerning the Supported Software and Enhancement functionality, use, configuration or optimization that can be answered by isolating its origin to a single cause. Each Case may include multiple telephone calls to or from Customer to reach resolution or closure. MediaPlatform retains sole discretion to whether a consultation is determined to represent a case. This telephone or Email consultation will generally be provided by MediaPlatform during its regular business hours. Support inquiries determined to be an “issue” or “bug” in the supported Software shall not be considered a case.

Support Consultation Restrictions

The telephone or email consultation provided is intended to assist Customer in the normal operation and routine use of the Supported Software for customary issues. Accordingly, it does not include general information on production services, assistance equivalent to training concerning the use of a licensed MediaPlatform Software product (such assistance is provided separately by MediaPlatform) or any substantive or technical consulting arising in connection with the application of a licensed MediaPlatform Software product. Additionally, Support includes answering questions and providing a reasonable level of guidance to the Customer about the use of the product, responding to reports of errors and determining if the reported error is a result of a problem in the product or an environmental or installation problem.


The customer is responsible for providing documentation sufficient for MediaPlatform to reproduce the error including a detailed written description of the problem, log files, core dumps, data files, and any other information reasonably requested by MediaPlatform. MediaPlatform is not responsible for errors or other problems due to non-MediaPlatform products or services, misuse, accident, damage or modification, or failure to maintain proper physical or operating environment. If MediaPlatform reasonably believes that a problem reported by the Customer may not be due to an error in MediaPlatform Software, MediaPlatform will so notify the Customer, and MediaPlatform shall not proceed further, unless so instructed in writing by the Customer. If, upon resolution of the problem, it is determined that the error is not due to the MediaPlatform product or other conditions attributable to MediaPlatform, the Customer will be invoiced for time and materials at MediaPlatform’s standard rates.

Software Updates and Upgrades

MediaPlatform will provide to Customer, without additional charge, updates, upgrades, enhancements, corrections, and improvements to the Supported Software, and its related documentation (collectively, the “Enhancements”), which MediaPlatform generally makes available to its customers during the term. For these purposes, Enhancements shall not be deemed to include any Software modules or products that add functionality to the Supported Software, to the extent that MediaPlatform markets such Software modules or products under a different product name from the Supported Software. In addition, new Software modules or products, as determined and defined by MediaPlatform, are not covered by, and will not be provided under the Services. MediaPlatform shall not be obligated to provide any specific Enhancement to reflect such changes and clarifications, and MediaPlatform shall, in its sole discretion, determine the nature, content, and timing of the provision of all Enhancements. For On-Premises configurations, Customer may be responsible for payment for a Professional Services fee related to installation and configuration of the enhanced Software, plus travel and related services, if applicable.

System Maintenance

MediaPlatform has designated Sundays from 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM PST as the scheduled time to perform system updates and maintenance. During this time each week, MediaPlatform systems may be unavailable to users. Previously published webcast pages and videos embedded on other websites, however, should remain available to viewers.

Please make sure you are aware of this weekly maintenance period as you plan your events. If you foresee any scheduling conflict with an upcoming maintenance period, please contact MediaPlatform Support as soon as possible. We cannot make any promises in this regard, but we will try our best to accommodate you by deferring any discretionary maintenance work until the following week.