MediaPlatform’s Take on AI for Enterprise Video - MediaPlatform
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MediaPlatform’s Take on AI for Enterprise Video

With all the buzz around AI, and about how AI is being used to create, discover, summarize, and edit video, we wanted to take this opportunity to let you know our vision for deploying AI in our Broadcaster platform in front-end, as well as backend, applications. 

Our multi-phase vision for implementing AI throughout our platform workflows starts with concrete, practical applications our customers have requested. Here are some of the ways we’re already using AI to enhance video in Broadcaster and Autocaster: 

AI-powered Live Closed Captions – Broadcaster producers can now enable the generation of high-accuracy, live, automated closed captioning for their live events. Enabled with a few clicks, Broadcaster closed captioning provides high reliability closed captioning for accessibility and, post event, transcript retention and search.  

Enhanced AI-powered Live Captioning Services: For organizations desiring the highest levels of accuracy without the cost of human transcribers, MediaPlatform offers AI-Media’s Smart Lexi service, which enables organizations to use human-curated dictionaries to inject automated captioning into live video streams. 

AI-powered Live Translation:  We are tapping AWS Transcribe and AWS Translate services to provide live, automated multi-language closed captioning capabilities to enable Broadcaster producers to deliver truly international broadcast events.  

AI-Powered Captions for Autocaster Events: When coupled with MediaPlatform Autocaster, event producers will have even more possibilities for replaying events with previously generated multi-language caption files with the opportunity to add new language translations during each new event.

Enterprise Video Observability:  MediaPlatform’s DevOps team is leveraging AI and machine learning to provide real-time visibility into the Broadcaster’s performance at any given moment for rapid and consistent backend trouble shooting and problem resolution. 

We’ll continue to share details about MediaPlatform’s use of AI on our website here

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